Title: Strategic Design. How analytical and creative thinking empower each other.
Constantly changing global markets bring new types of needs, challenges, and standards in production and management of services, information, and interactions. Those who innovate and respond quickly to change, stand out by how they empower creativity with strategic thinking.
Currently, any industry can benefit from the potential of design thinking (design methodology and tools) to achieve better results and stand out. Design in business functions far beyond form and function. In a surplus economy, where change is measured in months, the strongest competitive advantage comes in the form of business solutions with design at their core. Design is a scenario for the future where creative entrepreneurs are the new change pilots who lead beyond today’s limitations.
Detailed description:
We all have great ideas every day. How to make sure if others really need them? How to work through the creative process step by step? How to manage risk and measure value of what we design?
During this workshop session, you will investigate your real ideas, break them down and remodel into actionable items. This workshop will help to create a clear vision of how to design an idea based on the real user needs. You will receive a set of tools and experience how a strategic thinking can empower creative processes.
Methods and topics used in this workshop were built during a research project at Parsons School of Design and IDEO NY. Tested during various workshop sessions in Poland, USA and Costa Rica.
Field of this workshop: Strategic Design / Design Strategies