
Worksops at HOLIS 2017 // Community through business

We have conducted introductory workshops to downloading design research collected data and its synthesis during HOLIS 2017.

Holis is an educational experiment to foster innovation through interdisciplinary education. Every year we bring students from a wide range of disciplines together to work on real projects with the support of outstanding team leaders.

Project website: holis.codec.network


“One thing is certain: we don’t want to be just another project trying to help a community for the 15 minutes of fame.
A lot of people feel a sense of isolation. Social alienation is one of the top problems in urban and rural environment. This is true for the Lublin Province as well in eastern Poland where Sobole, the venue of HOLIS is to be found. Bringing a community together is a challenging wicked problem especially for outsiders as us.
We believe that change should be initiated with the most agile agents. We identified this agents in the local business community. Helping this entrepreneurs to develop their products and services while engaging them with their local community will lead to an impact beyond the outcome of this summer university.”